Soccer Education Center in Aruba

Weekly soccer technique training with professional coaches for boys & girls, age 5 – 16

Many Football Programs to Suit Everyone

The training sessions of the new SECA soccer season have just started. Training days Wednesday and Friday at compleho Frans Figaroa 


Compleho Frans Figaroa: Shaba 24, Noord

Junior High

Compleho Frans Figaroa: Shaba 24, Noord

Goalkeeper training

Compleho Frans Figaroa: Shaba 24, Noord


Compleho Frans Figaroa: Shaba 24, Noord

Best Soccer School in Aruba

Secaruba is the top soccer school in Aruba for several reasons. With excellent training sessions, they show that they provide high-quality coaching and a great experience. They’ve partnered with SIA, which means members benefit from a wide range of coaching expertise.

One standout event is the Aruba Youth Soccer Camp, featuring renowned AFC AJAX trainers, fueling growth and passion in young players. We also give back to the community with things like soccer shoe giveaway events, ensuring aspiring players have the gear they need. With their dynamic approach to soccer education, community involvement, and impressive achievements, Secaruba is clearly the best soccer school in Aruba, offering top-notch training, community support, and unforgettable experiences for all members.

"The Best Soccer School"

(insert review)

– Client name

The Aruba Youth Soccer Camp

The Aruba Youth Soccer Camp (SECA) is a soccer camp with the goal to provide the youth with the opportunity to have fun with the sport that they like and (for those that are interested) to open up the possibility of taking their talent in a professional direction.

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